Satish Prabasi
I was born in Saptari, Nepal and grew up in Benares, India. My studies took me to Nottingham in the United Kingdom and The Hague in the Netherlands. My varied working life has included time as an activist academic, a United Nations staff member, and an unsuccessful entrepreneur. My work and personal life have taken me across Asia, Africa, Australia, and Europe. I now live in New York with my wife, where I enjoy the company of my two grandchildren, and delight in browsing in the city’s many libraries.

Synopsis of my memoir
Fragments of Memory: A Nepali National's reminiscences

In 1949, I left my remote village in the Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal, traveling by ox-cart, to pursue an education in newly-independent India. This book is the unlikely story of my life from my birth in Nepal, to my days as an activist academic in the Netherlands, and later as a global traveler and official of the United Nations.  Few have experienced the equivalent of two centuries of transformation in one lifetime: from a feudal society to the digital age. Ultimately, my life and journey have been guided by a love for learning and a quest for a purposeful life.